Time 19.30 CET
Duration 45 minutes + QA
Presenter Prof. Andreas Stavropoulos
Contact If you have any questions, please email tepeshare@tepe.com

TePe presents – TePe Share exclusive live webinar
Peri-implantitis is often a challenge in everyday praxis, with a large and increasing number of patients suffering from it. Management of peri-implantitis is in many cases complex and there is no consensus on the most effective treatment. Current approaches for the management of peri-implantitis consist of anti-infective, non-surgical, measures, followed in the majority of cases by surgical – resective, regenerative, or combinations thereof – interventions; in some cases, the implant has to be removed. This lecture provides a stepwise guide for the management of peri-implantitis, complemented with several clinical videos and patient cases.
• To provide a short overview of various factors of importance during treatment planning of peri-implantitis cases
• To present a step-by-step approach for the management of peri-implantitis
Learning outcomes:
• Be aware of various factors of importance during treatment planning of peri-implantitis cases
• Be aware of the impact of defect morphology and implant surface in the choice of treatment
• Be able to recognize the appropriate approach (resective, regenerative, or combination) for each specific case
Please sign up before November 16th.